Bear Creek PTA Executive Board 2024-2025
President |
Matthew Shead |
1st VP/ Pres Elect |
Chris Maguire |
Treasurer |
Ashely Steele |
Secretary |
Leah McGarry |
Parliamentarian |
Melinda Sandoval |
2nd VP- Programs |
Chhaya Zade |
3rd VP- Events |
Roxanne Conteras |
4th VP- Fundraising |
Jill Woods |
5th VP- Ways and Means |
LeeAnn Torrez |
6th VP- Communications |
Leah Derton |
7th VP- Membership |
Laura Garcia |
Hospitality Chair |
Melanie Plummer |
Voluneer Chair |
Heather Quigley |
Committe Coordinator |
Laura Ramos |
Arts in Education |
Leah Raley |
CAC Representative |
Melissa Pardue |
ACPTA Representative |
Kaitluyn Cautero |
Join the PTA here
Find us on Facebook: Bear Creek Elementary PTA

Also make sure you get your background check for Volunteer: See below
Or click HERE